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i'm from budapest, hungary. hungarian, english, bulgarian speaker, russian learner.

started hitching in 2006 and really hooked on it. stopped counting kilometers, but it must be over 50-60 000. experiences from: armenia austria bulgaria croatia cuba czech republic denmark france georgia germany greece hungary italy ireland macedonia morocco norway poland portugal romania serbia slovakia spain sweden holland turkey and ukraine . lived half a year in the southern part of denmark and did erasmus in bulgaria, have some more experiences from these regions. my longest runs: paris (france) - budapest (hungary) (1500 km), kleve-keeken (germany) - budapest (1300 km), Budapest - berlin (germany) (888 km), serres (greece) - röszke (border of serbia-hungary)(990 km), nagylak - bucharest (romania) (640 km).

you can check out my travel blog [1], but it's in hungarian, sorry. pictures are nice anyway. you can find me on flickr.

my nick is pite both on hospitalityclub and couchsurfing. usually you are welcome in budapest.
