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Hello Hitchwiki community.

LandCruiser here... as y'all can see already.

Over the last 3 or 4 years I've been pondering just taking off and seeing where my thumb may be able to take me. As I think about some of the things I'd like to see and experience, destinations, when to go, how to get there (routes) and what I may or may not need to take with me, my desire to get out keeps getting stronger.

I guess the main reason for me getting out is so that I can chase some dreams and say screw society!

As I was tending to my garden today I realized this: If you have a dream it is up to you to follow that dream. Nobody else will do it for you.

My plan is to visit all the National Parks and at least two towns/cities in each state of the US that I have not been to. I was born and currently live in Colorado (nearly unemployed) and have also lived in AZ (2 1/2 yrs for college), CA (5-6 yrs as a teenager), OR (7 yrs to start a career) & NE briefly as an infant but that doesn't count in my book. I've visited (in no particular order) WA, ID, WY, MT, NM, NV, UT & Austin TX as well as many places near where I've lived in the past. NPs I've already visited include Grand Canyon (N. Rim), Yosemite, Joshua Tree, Mesa Verde, Crater Lake, Canyonlands, Arches & Yellowstone but I can't get enough of these places (NPs) so I'll get to them again while out and about thumbin around.

I'd like to see this hitchwiki place become more user friendly. It's kind of a pain to navigate. Seems I'm going to have to learn new editing & formatting techniques and to hope for the best. It seems a lot of links go to the main page.