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Template:Data country

Revision as of 22:58, 24 September 2014 by Kundrt (talk | contribs)

This is a data template which takes name of the country and returns 2 commonly used currencies (codes), capital, subregion and population. Separated by slashes.


{{Data country|Afghanistan}} -> AFN//Kabul/Southern Asia/26023100
{{Data country|Cuba}} -> CUC/CUP/Havana/Caribbean/11167325

{{#titleparts: {{Data country|Afghanistan}} | 1 }} -> AFN
{{#titleparts: {{Data country|Afghanistan}} | 1 | 2 }} ->
{{#titleparts: {{Data country|Afghanistan}} | 1 | 3 }} -> Kabul
{{#titleparts: {{Data country|Afghanistan}} | 1 | 4 }} -> Southern Asia
{{#titleparts: {{Data country|Afghanistan}} | 1 | 5 }} -> 26023100