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User talk:Platschi

Revision as of 22:24, 6 November 2010 by Platschi (talk | contribs)

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Bad Oeynhausen

Hi Ralf. Have you never noticed the bay where drivers can stop, just after the traffic lights at the beginning of the Bay Oeyenhausen Bundesstrasse section? Looked like a nice place to hitchhike, which, however, we as the transit hitchers will never use, since we will probably never end up there. Although of course, you can never really say never... --Fverhart 14:52, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Hey Frank, no, never seen that bay! Should check it next time, but mostly people just drive into town or towards Minden, so they're not even going to the end of town. So for the lazy people, the first Shell station might be the best option as it's at the beginning when coming from the A2. And, about us as transit hitchers :) , I got rides towards Oeynhausen several times now, find it quite difficult to get direct rides from Auetal for example to Osnabrück or further most times. Also, when going east, the service station Grönegau sucks most of the time for me (waiting nearly always >30min). Then better stick to the on-ramp Melle-Ost 4km before, it has a nice spot and lot's of traffic going to Oeynhausen, where you then can ask at the first service station where there's always busy :) But that's probably just what I think about it... :) --Platschi 14:38, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
Hi Ralf. The bay to the east is just at the beginning of Bad Oeyenhausen, just after the end of the A30. It's logically at the beginning, how I remember there's a city map for people entering the town. Regarding Gronegau, thanks for the information. The one time that I stood there, 27.12.2008, I got away in 3 minutes and got a lift of 151 km to Zweidorfer Holz, according to my list. For me it was great so. I remember a Dutch couple with a nice discussion about discovering the simple ways of living in places... If you asked me, I would try to avoid Bay Oeyenhausen, but I've passed by no more than five-six times. --Fverhart 08:43, 5 June 2009 (UTC)
Hey Frank, just used the bay a week ago and got a ride offer to Leipzig there within not even one minute. It was traffic jam though, but works pretty fine :) Indeed there's a city map also; just put some little more information on the Oeynhausen article.Indeed you can avoid Oeynhausen, but when going onto the A30 or coming from there it's impossible not to get through there ;) --Platschi 17:09, 24 October 2009 (UTC)


Hi, fellow Dutch hitchhiker. There is a new discussion forum about hitchhiking in Dutch language. Discover it, and feel free to join and share your knowledge. First spot on the net where we can discuss in our own language =). URL --Fverhart 08:43, 5 June 2009 (UTC)


Sorry to hear you had such a hard time in Bashkiria. I've hitchhiked there and never waited more than 5 minutes, just like in the rest of Russia. If you didn't get picked up by a truck right away, it was probably because you were too close to a DPS post, and truck drivers were too nervous to take two people past it (they can only have one passenger legally).

Hey Ralf, sagmal wennde in Russland unterwegs bist. Gehen die Leute davon aus, dass du was zahlst für den Lift. Machst du denen das beim Einsteigen gleich klar, dass du autostop machst und nix zahlen kannst/willst oder aber nehmen dich alle ganz selbstverständlich für umsonst mit? --Quarim 15:27, 2 February 2010 (UTC)
Moin, quatsch, trampen is genau wie in Deutschland bspw. auch. Nur beim "raustrampen" aus Moskau wurd ich n paar mal gefragt nach Geld, bzw. es gibt halt auch "private Taxis" die rumfahren, aber das bekommt man direkt raus wenn man ne Richtung/Ort angibt/erfragt und die direkt nachfragen wieviel du zahlst. Aber sonst, easy peasy. --Platschi 18:19, 2 February 2010 (UTC)


Hey thanks for the tutorial! As we are sending more and more people from the CS group, it makes sense to have something to orientate newbies. It's good to feel the working cooperation here! --Perilisk 01:24, 12 December 2009 (UTC)

Goddamn, schade, dass das Treffen nicht ne Woche eher oder spaeter ist, an dem WE ist mein Bruder hier. Waere gern gekommen um fuer Finnland zu voten ;) Viel Spass euch!

N0id, du kannst auf voten! --Platschi 17:19, 2 March 2010 (UTC)


Hoi Platschi - d'r is nu ook eindelijk een hitchwiki in het Nederlands: Als je je Nederlands wilt oefenen ga ik dat graag verbeteren :) guaka 23:48, 21 March 2010 (UTC)

Hallo Platschi! Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be apart of this awesome project! Yeah, I read the page for Texas - yikes. The state might not be so promising, but Austin is asking to be explored hitchwise. I'll see what I can do! Say Hi to the Netherlands and Germany for me! Wonderful and happy adventures. :) - Safira (P.S. I'm not really sure where to put this response, so hope this is ok!)

Get an English spelling checker...

Please... ;)

Dear Robert, a gas station is the American English pendant to petrol station used in Britain. As we have no specific regional English specified for this website, I guess gas station fits as well as petrol station. See [1] for an example. Nevertheless, installing a spelling checker might be useful, you're right. --Platschi 21:24, 6 November 2010 (CET)
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