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Hitchwiki:Multilingual coordination

Revision as of 18:28, 4 November 2010 by MrTweek (talk | contribs)

Hitchwiki has 14 languages so far:

Language Local name useful Admins
English English yes Guaka, MrTweek, Platschi, Quarim, Robino, Zac Stewart
German Deutsch yes MrTweek, Platschi, Quarim
Spanish Español yes San
French Français yes Guaka, Zac Stewart
Finnish Suomi yes Mikael
Turkish Türkçe yes Strider1977
Chinese 中文 yes Mipplor, Faraway
Polish Polski yes Strzkrzysiek, Paluch
Portuguese Português no Ataqlibert
Russian Русский no Platschi, Siberian explorer, Index, Lnx
Bulgarian Български no Platschi
Romanian Română no Index
Dutch Nederlands no Guaka
Hebrew עברית no Dizinteria

When does a wiki become useful?

For now, we consented that a wiki is considered useful as soon as it has more than 40 articles, include an article about one country where the language is spoken and articles about some major cities.

All languages that don't meet these criteria will be listed under the "under construction" section on the Start Page. They are either very new or not active. If you speak the language and want to make it useful, just start working on it right now ;) Ask us for admin rights, we'll be happy to give them to anyone who can help.