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Eilat is a city in the southern tip of Israel, around 4-5 hours ride to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It is also the gateway to Taba in Egypt, and Aqaba in Jordan.


Hitching out

Eilat has the distinct advantage of having basiclly only one road out, The Arava Road, Number 90. It streches to the north of the city, and continues all the way up to the Dead Sea, and intersects with the roads to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

To the Dead Sea, Jerusalem

From the main Bus station, walk down the street till you see the entry to the airport. Turn left, pass the small petrol station and start hitchiking from the bus stop. There is no real need of having a sign with you, since there is only one direction (North!). You should get rides that continue on Road 90, continuing north after the Arava junction (where the road to Tel Aviv splits), and get to your destination along the Dead Sea shore. If you wish to get to Jerusalem, you need to continue hitchike north till you get to the northmost tip of the Dead Sea, and hitchike West on Road 1.

To Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva

Hitchike from the same spot as described above. The road to Tel Aviv passes either through Road 90 till the Arava Junction and than west through Dimona, or up north in Road 90, and than turning left in Ketura Junction and continuing up road 40 till Beer Sheva and Tel Aviv. The second option is has much more desert scenry, but there is also much less traffic. Try and avoiding getting stuck in the middle of the road, and prefer always petrol stations, rest areas or Kibbutz exits. Sometimes you can also get a direct ride from Eilat to Tel Aviv...

To Taba, Egypt

The Egytian border is only 7.5km away, and it's not really feasible to hitchike there since most drivers will just get you to one of the hotels in the area. Every hour bus line 15 goes from Eilat main Bus staion, and will take you till the border for 6.4 NIS.

Hitchiking In

Check the Jerusalem, Dead Sea and Tel Aviv articles.