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Advice on illegal train voyage

I refer to this text: "The solution is easy and cheap - go to Zagreb train station, and check the timetable (it is registered as internal traffic) for trains going to the village of Sutla. There are 7 trains a day going there. Buy a ticket till Sutla (1.5 Euro), and stay onboard after the train passes Sutla, to the slovene village of Dobova (it takes 5 minutes, no conductors). From there it's easy to continue your way to Maribor and Ljubljana." I think HitchWiki shouldn't encourage other travelers to travel illegally by trains even though it is a good tip for those with less money. Opinions? --Sigurdas 21:19, 9 November 2008 (UTC)

I don't really mind. It does depend on how things are written. There are more general trips like this (for example about how the control works in a certain city or country or how to access some petrol-stations while climbing over fences and walking over 'private property'). In my opinion public transport should be for free and whenever you get caught, you can always give this as a reason. I have gotten away with it once in Amsterdam by letting the conductor know I am an conscious non-payer. I am not sure about legal consequences for hitchwiki (since it is based in Germany), but there are a lot more tips in this wiki that are not considered legal anyhow. As long as we don't hear complaints from anyone, why bother? --Robino 17:26, 10 November 2008 (UTC)
That's the thing - no legal complaints now but there is some chance that we might get some troubles in future (it somehow reminds me of the Hospitality Club and its legal status). And this is exactly what I would like HitchWiki to prevent from.
Anyway, rewriting this given text might "save our asses" :), so I suggest this version instead of a current one: To avoid troubles and good chances of getting stuck while hitchhiking in this direction, some hitchhikers chose to go to Zagreb train station, buy a ticket till Sutla (1.5 Euro), and stay onboard after the train passes Sutla up until the slovene village of Dobova (it takes 5 minutes, no conductors) - from there it's easy to hitch further towards Maribor or Ljubljana. --Sigurdas 17:39, 10 November 2008 (UTC)
Yes, that sounds much better. It's definitely illegal (in Germany) to motivate others to to illegal things. I'm not sure how exactly that is defined, but I think your version is ok - it's sounds more like a story than a recommendation. I'll try to research a little about that.
As long as we don't hear complaints from anyone, why bother?
Because a legal complaint might have a fat bill attached. And I'm not so keen on paying that. --MrTweek 20:23, 10 November 2008 (UTC)