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June Newsletter

One final newsletter to be send to everyone who participated last year with 888. This will be a really short newsletter pointing people to the new website and making them aware of latest developments. After this maybe one final e-mail to everyone who has registered to come.

things to do before sending

  To-do list for Talk:789/News:
Here are some tasks you can do:

Text and title

XX days left till 789... The clock is ticking...

Last year we gathered with 150 hitchhikers, mostly 'die-hards' and first-timers, in Paris to celebrate hitchhiking. This year we will meet again, in Odessa, Ukraine on the 7th of August 2009.

Sign up & see who is coming

Are you joining the second European hitchhikers festival in Odessa or are you still thinking about it? Either or, you can sign up through

You can also organise a pre-meeting for 789 in the places where we travel through or depart from. Organise one yourself, or join an existing one. Check the forum at The first pre-meeting is already organized and will be on June 24th in Enschede, the Netherlands. Check the forum as well for all relevant information.

Why Odessa?

In Paris the enthusiasm was so big for another festival, that we decided to go again. But this time we ('we' being mostly hitchhikers based in Western and Central Europe) wanted to be in contact also with people from Russia, the Balkans and maybe even further, to make new connections and to exchange hitchhiking recipes and stories. So it had to be organised outside of the Schengen space.

Currently we have no fixed location in Odessa yet. People are working on this. If you want to help, get in touch with us through

Hopefully see you in Odessa!

789, hitchhiking is divine :)

November Newsletter

things to do before sending

  To-do list for Talk:789/News:
Here are some tasks you can do:

The Newsletter itself

This newsletter is targeted at participants of the 888 project and/or to people that showed interest in 789 project. It deals mainly with planning the event. Input from everyone is welcome. Below you find a draft version, feel free to edit.


Title: 789 Newsletter: Hitchhikers combine!

When was your last hitch-hiking trip? Looking forward to the next? Why not head out across Europe this spring? The weather is getting (mostly) better, the days are getting longer: no need to wake up so early and if it does rain... well, kind drivers won't leave you standing for long! Who needs to wait for summer?

Not only that, but your trip will get your thumb in shape and your mind in gear for this year's European Hitchhiking Festival, taking place on 7th August (789). After much discussion and voting, this year's festival will take place on the Black Sea in Odessa, Ukraine.


The site address will be . For the moment, we have only a draft site up, redirecting to our coordination forum. As soon as possible, it should have the main site and hold all the information for those interested in the event. All we need is a Drupal/CSS artist with some time on his hands. We need YOU!


However controversial it might be, a Google Group has been created to help coordinate the festival. Please take a look here. Anyone can join and everyone is invited and encouraged to.

Getting in touch with the community

Of course, we want to be in close touch with the hitchhiking community in Ukraine and the local community in Odessa. Some of us have contacted the Elba Ukrainian hitchhikers' gathering</a> (site in Russian, English auto-translation), that takes place three times a year. The next one will be from the 24th to the 26th of April, but unfortunately we ran into a cold war with them (just like in the good old days...). So you could perhaps offer an olive branch over there (in Russian too, English auto-translation ).

The hospex (ie. CS) community of Odessa has given a warmer welcome. We hope to find support in organising the festival by working with the local authorities as much as possible.

Slogans: seven, eight, nine!

789 needs a great tagline, a sentence that grabs the attention immediately, is easy to remember and great to use. When we were in Paris for last year's European Hitchhiking Day it was: "8/8/8 - Paris wants you for a nomadic date". Having a good catchphrase for 789 is not sooo important, but that's the kind of really fun brainstorming that we love to do. Check this out and feel free to participate.

Odessa calling

789 doesn't need to be overly organised. On the other hand, the more we can sort out between now and August, the more trouble we will save ourselves when we are there and don't want to worry about troubles. You can help the festival to be a greater success by telling all your friends and spreading the word, and of course by joining the discussion on the coordination channels. Namely: The hitchwiki page and the coordination group. Right now we have more or less 7 people involved in the organisation. It would be great if the 150 of 888 would join as well... sign up today!

888 Movie Early August 2008. Radek, Pascal, Martin and Lily embarked on a hitchhiking adventure to Paris. One common goal united them: to arrive under the Eiffel Tower on August 8th to be part of the first European Hitchhiking Week. The movie is not released yet, but here you can see a trailor:

Happy hitching!





The vote on the forum / Reaching a consensus

There's already a vote going on on the forum. This vote should not be binding but rather consultative. The best would be to reach a consensus through discussion and keep the vote for last resort (if we can't agree).

The voting stays open as a permanent opinion survey (you can edit your vote). For now 38 people gave their voice to the voting already, most of them voted for Ukraine, mainly Odessa. So it looks like it'll be Ukraine, but if you're convinced that another place is so much better, make yourself heard.

Local welcome

One particularly sensible point is: how the local citizenry and administration feel towards us. If the third most popular choice shows to have a really cool mayor that wants nothing more than a crowd of hitch-hikers, then we should go for them.

For that, we need support from the local communities. It would be a good idea to contact the local people with whatever tool available in the, say top 6 cities, and see if they can find an arrangement with the people they elected.