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Hitchhiking in movies

Revision as of 20:00, 29 November 2011 by BadWolf (talk | contribs)

At times people hitchhike in movies. Some give a bad impression of hitchhiking, some are good. Some movies (such as The Hitcher) have perpetuated a strong anti-hitchhiking attitude among more impressionable people.



These are the movies we like. Hitchhiking is fun, adventurous and lets people live their lives out of the ordinary.

Documentaries & short movies

Full length movies

Title Description Year IMDB Wikipedia
The Motorcycle Diaries Che Guevara's trip throughout South America. 2004 7.8 (English)
Turkish Delight "Turks Fruit". A Dutch movie from the 1970s 1973 7.2 (English)
Podróż za jeden uśmiech A Polish movie from the 1970s, comedy 1972 8.0 (English)
Le Corniaud "The sucker". A French comedy. The main hero takes the hitch-hiker who later saves his life. 1965 7.4 (English)
Travellers and Magicians Bhutanese movie. 2003 7.3 (English)
Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton Comedy from East Germany. Youtube 1980 6.4
Into the Wild A guy hitchhiking in the US and finally through Canada to Alaska, where he lives in the wild. 2007 8.2 (English)
EuroTrip Teen comedy. 2005 6.5 (English)
Friendship! A German movie. something similar to Eurotrip 2010 6.7 (German)
Im Juli Germany. Featuring the main actor hitchhiking from Hamburg to Istanbul, following the girl he loves. 2000 7.8 (English)
Drôle de Félix A french movie about a guy hitching across France to meet his father, whom he never knew. 2000 7.1 (English)
Snow cake Movie starts with a girl hitchhiking and dying in a car accident. 2006 7.5 (English)
Even cowgirls get the blues A Gus Van Sant's movie about a girl who was born with incredibly big thumbs. Based on the eponymous book, by Tom Robbins. 1993 4.0 (English)


Avoid. Silly. Puts hitchhiking in a bad light.

Title Description Year IMDB Wikipedia
The Hitcher Horror. 1986 7.2 (English)
The Hitcher Horror. 2007 5.5 (English)
Wolf Creek Horror. 2005 6.3 (English)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back USA Comedy. 2001 6.8 (English)

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See also