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6-8-10 (or 6810 or 6/8/10 or 06/08/10) is the proposed title for the third edition of the annual European hitchhiking festival.

The first two editions took place in Paris, France on 08/08/08 and in Odesa, Ukraine on 07/08/09. See 888 and 789 for past discussions and information.


Latest News

  • Pre-meetings in Berlin on the 28th and 31st of May has been held to talk about flyers distribution, promotion, location and events.
  • A prep-meeting in Berlin on the 13/14th of March took over the poll-results and the gathering will take place "somewhere in Portugal". A big pre-gathering is to be held in Barcelona on the 1st of August.
  • Organise/ announce other pre-gatherings here.
  • minutes of the prep-meeting.

Destination issue

We know that we're going to Portugal. The exact spot is still in question. Here is the summary of what we have and what we know about it.


Eduardo VII Park



Monsanto Park


info about the park

Casa Amarela


Within the city limits of Lisboa. Concrete landscape.

The operators of the place are fine with the idea.

Good: Big enough

Bad: They might get kicked out by the police until 8910.