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803 bytes removed, 10:09, 29 September 2020
If it's hot just ask people for a "Freibad" (free swimming bath) or look out for people which are swimming in the river and join them (it's a local sport to swim in the river. Just watch out and ask where its ok! Dont jump simply "somewhere" in the river, there are some really dangerous spots!
'''Comments from users about Bern'''
unknown: "BEWARE people from the StadtNomaden. StadtNomaden is a 'Wagenplatz'(which is kind of a wagon-village, people living in caravans) that rotates evey six months from one place to the other. We knew most of them but some of them proved to be very dangerous bastards. Beware something else: in whole Switzerland drugs consumption is quite wide spread. You need to watch out, because many of them lose their heads."
waymarks: "DONT talk to people who ask you for buying drugs, they hang out sometimes in front of the cultural center (Reithalle). Police shows up often and people who buy the very shit they sell get caught easily." (You can talk to the people, even if you don't buy their shit. They might be happy for a friendly human interaction, who knows.)