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Learning languages

96 bytes added, 23:05, 24 July 2016
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If you're a quick study (or have learned a language before) and use the hand method ''every day'', you can learn the hundred words in about a month. That month's preparation (mostly in your idle time) before leaving home will do wonders on the road.
= Step 2: Learn more words and some tenses grammar =
This is where you learn all the stuff in your textbook that you ignored in step one. Telling time, names of animals, family members, etc. You can use a textbook for this, but [ duolingo] is excellent.
Also learn how to form questions, comparatives/superlatives, and plural nouns.  You also need to learn how to say verbs in the past, present, and future. Usually, a language will have have many different tenses, but there's often one that's obviously easier. In English, you can say "I have <verb>" to make the past tense and "I will <verb>"for the future. Conjugations are important, but you can get by with infinitives until step 4.
== Using Duolingo effectively ==
While using Duolingo, don't rush through the exercises. Read each word and imagine the meaning. If the sentence is "The dog is blue" and the translation is "Ogdo di ooblay", read the word "ogdo" and think of a dog. What sound do Ogdos make? What do Ogdos eat? Use the new word in your thoughts like this when you read the sentence. This way, memorization will come naturally.
At some point in this step, when you are comfortable, start step 3, but continue learning vocab and tenses with flashcards or the hand method.
= Step 3: Hitchhike! =