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8 bytes added, 21:51, 11 July 2011
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Hitchhiking is generally easy in Nicaragua. Most people don't have cars, so if you are in a rural area, the few with cars or trucks tend to stop for lots of people. They get a kick out of foreigners.
Like in most of Central-America, there are lots of minibusses and it's not so easy to spot taxis on the road, be sure you know if you're paying or hitching free when you climb in any type of vehicle. Here people refer to hitch-hiking as "''ride"'', "''hacer ride" and "'' or ''buscar un ride" '' are common expressions.
The border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua has one particularity : the boarder authorities make it close to hell for any vehicle to cross from Costa Rica to Nicaragua, and trucks bearing a load often have to wait 3 days at the Peñas Blancas border before the paper work get's through to allow them passage. The cue of vehicles in Peñas Blancas is at best several miles long. Entering Costa Rica from Nicaragua takes about 1 minute on the other hand.
== Cities ==