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1 byte added, 00:08, 30 December 2007
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Hi there, my name is Gerben. I'm a Dutch student in civil engineering. I'm on the road quite a lot, and mostly hitchhiking. Apart from the obvious fact that it saves travelcosts, everytime I'm home for a while I get this weird feeling. I just want to hitchhike somewhere. So I usually do:)
I hitchhike for fun, and sometimes really just because it saves money. This only happens on short distances though. I hitchhike through the Netherlands quite often, and make trips from here to all kinds of places. Hope to make it into Asia one day. Got as far as St.Petersburg and Moscow so far in that direction.
I'm not so much into statistics, although I like to keep my notebooks with all my signs as souvenirs:) And ofcourse some extreme's extremes are nice to remember, such as my ride at 260km/h around Berlin, and a 2 day ride with a Polish trucker, or hitchhiking in total darkness in the Highlands of Scotland.
I'll add some more info later. My hc and cs username is the same: gerbennap