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1 byte removed, 14:53, 5 August 2016
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Untested, but the other side of the autogrill listed for going south should have plenty of traffic going north past Firenze.
Another option: [[User:Fedcas|Fedcas]] took the train from Firenze to Pratignone (EUR 1,90, about 20 min), then it's a 5 min walk to the A1 highway (see the spot on the [ map]), . Pratignone is N-W from Florence, where A1 crosses A11). It, it's a big commercial area so there are lot of trucks during the working days. There's also a bus that goes out here from around the train station (no. 2?) and still operates after the trains have stopped. Can be blackrode easily.
Another great spot in this area is a big petrol station (also see map). Directions: from Pratignone station walk southward on Via di Pratignone. Turn left on Via degli Olmi, cross the bridge over the highway and turn right on Via di Limite. You will walk through a little tunnel and see a few houses on your right; after you´ve passed the last house, walk on the dirt to your right and step over a little fence to reach the highway. There´s a gap in the sound-wall through which you can get behind it. Now you´re on the highway exit-road and there´s a fence between you and the petrol station. Turn left and just walk a bit towards the highway to pass the fence.