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2,087 bytes added, 13:28, 5 February 2012
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Hitching in '''Morocco''' is good despite the scarcity of vehicles on some routes. Bring If you're doing it in hot seasons bring a ''big'' bottle of water, a hat, and maybe a book to read. Many In winter consider being on short leaves during the day and freezing at night (especially above 800meters of altitude), so plan some "onion layers" clothes.  Most people will not want payment, but it can be hard to avoid the interest of grand taxis (who will definitely want payment). Hitchhiking is done by waving one's index finger, but the thumb will often be understood as well.
Compared to the hassle of the cities, hitching in Morocco is a very pleasant experience and a good opportunity to meet some genuine friendly people who ''don't'' want to sell you a carpet. The people for the most part are incredibly generous, intelligent and curious and hitchhikers are able to experience the country’s cultural richness and diversity in a way unavailable to tourists who travel by more conventional means.
Moroccan car license plates tell where a car is from. Find a complete list [ here].
Far from the big cities you won't need any special spot: everywhere looking like a safe place (ie: cars not going to fast/can see you from far/can stop almost safely) will be fine. The traffic in the countryside is never too big and they can really stop everywhere, sometimes even in spite of the most basic driving rules. You can experience a large variety of lifts: slow drivers and crazy drivers, brand new luxury cars and (especially) 30 years old car, sometimes you can find yourself very packed with many people, or on the back of a van/pick-up.
Sometimes is not easy to understand if the incoming van is a local bus or just a normal van. The first time you see one you'll probably stop it not understand its a bus.. they're anyway nice and if you explain you don't have money (something like "makeneis fluss" in Arabic) they'll either go away without any complaints or maybe give you a free ride.
== Cities ==
While spoken by some educated people and those who work in tourism, English is of little use. Be very careful if approached by someone speaking English, they are often looking to make a profit, legitimate or not.
At a minimum you should have basic competence in Frenchas most drivers will understand it even if in rural areas they might speak just local languages. It's not anyway too hard to make yourself understood (especially with a map) but expect they to drop you off nearby some bus or taxi station because they might not understand you want to go all the way by thumb. A few words of Arabic will surprise most Moroccans, gain their respect and differentiate you from common tourists.
== Police ==
Police in Morocco can be a great asset to a hitchhiker. Police roadblocks are quite common especially when the King is nearby. Approach them respectfully and make conversation and they will probably help you get a ride.
In small towns where it is sometimes difficult to find people who speak French, police officers (who always speak French) are invaluable aides for finding hotels, ''hammams'', roads out of town etc.
In some most touristic areas (ie: on the route from Rissani to Merzouga) police might think your driver is an unauthorized guide illegally getting money from you, so be ready to explain them (in French!) you're just hitchhiking and your driver was just very kind in helping you. Having some picture of your hitchhiking experience will help convincing them, otherwise your driver might get a fine, and of course you'll offer to pay for it.
== Sleeping ==
Cheap hotels are available in the medinas of most cities for 20-40 dirham. Expect an uncomfortable mattress, cold communal shower and don’t be surprised if you wake up with bug bites. Hotels are required to see your passport and most will want to hold it until they make a photocopy. There is little danger of a hotel worker stealing your passport but it is a good idea to keep several photocopies with you for peace-of-mind.
If traveling in winter consider night can get cold (especially around mountains) and they never have heating, so be sure to carry a sleeping bag even if you plan to stay in hotels, as the blanket they give you might not be enough.
=== Under the Stars ===