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1 byte removed, 14:51, 27 September 2015
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''Art. 175 co. 7, capo B'' of the Italian ''codice della strada'' states:
"“Sulle *''Sulle carreggiate, sulle rampe, sugli svincoli, sulle aree di servizio o di parcheggio e in ogni altra pertinenza autostradale è vietato (…) richiedere o concedere passaggi.'':"*''On roadways, on-ramps, junctions, service or parking areas and on any other area belonging to the ''autostrada'' it is forbidden (...) to ask for or grant rides.''
The law is pretty clear, and while it is not at all unusual in Europe that hitchhiking right on the motorway is illegal, Italy explicitly includes service areas into the law as well. Be aware that drivers picking you up may also be fined; for hitchhikers, the fine appears to be 21 euros, for drivers up to 137 euros.