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No change in size, 15:34, 26 April 2012
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Hitching in Georgia is easy most of the time! Short waits and very friendly people. Road conditions in some places are quite bad so it can take some time but in most of cases there are renovated roads.
Spots are very easy to find, just head in the right direction and you will find a suitable place to stand. Sometimes if luck isn't on your side though and you may have to wait for a while and the only cars who will stop for you are "marshrutkas" (micro buses) which expect payment. But remain patient! Eventually someone will stop for you.
Despite of the Different from most European countries, usually still no one cares about hitching on highways, so it's not a problem to find a spot.
Few people over forty speak English but can speak Russian. People in their twenties and younger are able to speak more English at least in the bigger cities. In villages even youngsters might only speak Georgian but in the last couple of years many young people from English-speaking countries are being sent to the villages to teach English. A few phrases of Russian will be handy or with a little extra effort people will be amazed if you know some Georgian.
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