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101 bytes added, 10:21, 26 September 2007
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From Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) take Metro 15/U5 to "Borsigstr.". When you leave the train, there is one gas station in front of you (direction of the train) and one gas station behind you. The gas station behind you is a better spot to hitchhike because the cars have a better opportunity to stop and the gas station is a little bit bigger than the other one. Most of the cars that stop there go on the highway ("Autobahn") A 81. In average I needed about 15 minutes to get a ride (on weekends).
When you are on highway (Autobahn) A 81 you can jump off on the resting place called "Wunnenstein" that has also a petrol station and is between Stuttgart and Heilbronn or rather the departure to highway (Autobahn) A 6. From there you can get rides to the north or west. But there I sometimes had to wait longer (about 45 minutes in average) to get a ride to the north because a lot of cars are going to the west. Be careful at "Wunnenstein" the are constant police raids because of drugs - hitching is no problem.
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