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Hitchhiking a boat

239 bytes added, 20:09, 26 May 2020
There's always the option of taking the sea route between two places. People have taken advantage of the seas for as long a time as civilizations have existed. '''Hitchhiking a boat''' can be a great way to visit places you never would have visted otherwise (especially without an expensive plane ticket), and to experience both the romance and the harsh realities of traveling by sea.
= Hitchhiking a Sailboat or Yacht =
'''Hitchhiking a boatsailboat''' or yacht can be quite an endeavor for some , but can be done with the right amount of persistence and flexibility. It generally means finding sail boats that need an extra hand on deck, and becoming part of their crew. With boats, the procedure of hitching is not so much about finding someone going to your destination, but more about finding the right boat and/or captain for you. In general, a lot of captains are ready to take persons (crew members) on their boat to aid with watch keeping, general tasks, or just purely for company.
Be aware of the huge and important differences between hitchhiking a boat and hitchhiking a car. Unless you've been invited aboard a rich person's superyacht, you will almost always be expected to help out with various kinds of work, and you will usually also be asked to pay your share of food and maybe other expenses too. Getting on a stranger's boat is also much bigger commitment than hopping in a car, for both you and for the captain - if you're a week's sail out into the open ocean (or even an hour off the coast), getting out of the vehicle on short notice is not an option.
autopatrolled, Administrators

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