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Top tips

148 bytes added, 20:21, 23 July 2009
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Say no, if you don't feel safe! Trust your instinct, when it says no. This doesn't happen often, though. Minimizing risk is not being a coward, it's being smart. If you don't feel comfortable with someone, just don't ask him/her, there will be enough other cars. Most people who pick up hitchhikers are friendly and don't mind a no.
If you want more security, send an SMS of the number plate of the car to a friend(or at least pretend you do so).A nice way of getting out of a car without offending a driver if you're uncomfortable, is to pretend that you're going to be sick. Tell the driver not to wait, and run away from the road. If you should need to get more radical, a pepper spray or a pocket knife may help and improve your self conscience.
Girls check out the safety guide tailored to your needs at

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